cApItAliZatiOn bAsIcSDoes the title of this blog post make your brain hurt? Me too. To avoid things like that, let's go over the basics of capitalization...
New Speaker, New ParagraphWhen it comes to characters conversing with each other, the golden rule is simple: New speaker, new paragraph.
When to Use You and Me vs. You and II and me may mean the same thing but add a you and we face an age-old issue of you and me versus you and I. Which one to use and when to...
Stop Double Spacing Between SentencesShould I double-space between my sentences? In short . . . NO! Writing sentences that take a reader to fabulous places in their minds;...
Bullet Points: When and How to Use Them in Your WritingI have a Love/Hate Relationship with Bullet Points. There are many writers who For whatever reason believe That the bullet point is The...